Tuesday, January 18, 2011

20 - 25: A Look Back & A Glance Ahead

First my apologies for the unexpected hiatus. The adapter that keeps my laptop plugged in and charged went kaput (blah, blah, blah) and I was left in the abysmal hole of an internet-free world. It was a bummer. But I'm back...and with a vengeance!

So tomorrow is my twenty-fifth birthday. I am now officially half way through my twenties and everything seems to be shifting and coming into view as I head into this new year of my life.

In the last five years I have:
*Graduated from college (with honors- woot woot)
*Ticked off a few boxes on my travel log
*Enjoyed the world of music festivals
*Spent many nights in smoke-filled rooms whispering, laughing, and dancing
*Dated, swore off dating, dated, and swore it off again
*Learned my limits with alcohol
*Moved away from home and then moved back
*Fell in and out of love with American politics
*Activism, feminism, human rights, etc... became a part of my everyday vernacular
*Learned to craft and stuck with it
*Fell madly in love with and married my very favorite person
*Briefly played in a band
*Decided never to pay full price for clothing again
*Moved into our first home as a family
*Became vegetarian and then vegan and then vegetarian again
*Bottle-fed and cared for more animals than I can remember (squirrels, opossums, kittens, etc...)
*Worked my first full time job that I didn't hate (in fact, for the most part, I loved)
*Became pregnant (on the first try! wowzers!)
*Discovered meditation and yoga and grew stronger, mentally and physically
*Got comfortable in my own skin and began to truly love it
*Made amazing friendships that I hope will last a lifetime
...and so much more.

These last five years have definitely had their ups and downs, but they have been truly amazing and I wouldn't change a moment. I can't wait for what the next five (and fifty for that matter) have to bring! Thank you so much to all of you that have been a part of my life, the highs, the lows, and the in-betweens. Your love, support, humor, and awesomeness have sustained me.

Looking toward twenty-five I feel my life is just beginning, a new chapter in what has already been an incredible book. I'm so ready to get started! Here's to 25-30, the best years yet!


mkincaid1985 said...

we miss you at work!!

Christiana said...

So I've known you for more than 5 years?! Crazy, I'm so glad!! A very merry and blessed birthday to you my dear sweet Tara. You continue to inspire me everyday and I'm sure this Universe will reward you hamsomely for this effort. Much love and yogic bliss! ~Christiana

Tara said...

Thank you ladies so much!
@Megan- I miss you guys at work! Hopefully I will be able to come back in some capacity soon.
@Christiana- I know, right? 5 years! I'm so blessed to have such a beautiful spirit in my life. Thank you so much for all of your love and support throughout the years.