Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crazy Good

This last week and a half has been intense and hilarious and totally awesome. I have not set down with my laptop for days as I have been running around chasing a newly mobile baby, trying to plan a mini vacation (more on that later, I promise), helping the little guy stay calm with three new teeth emerging, working, and generally trying to enjoy this unseasonably amazing weather we are currently experiencing in MO!

Oh, it's been crazy around here, but the great kind of crazy that makes you happy to be alive and to be loved by such wonderful people. I am lucky. I am so very lucky. My baby is beautiful and happy and makes me laugh so much it's silly. I am beaming today. I am happy to be a part of this lovely little family and am riding high on that joy. I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Sending so much love to all of you!




Mama Smith said...

Happy that y'all are so happy :) It is so much fun once they get moving around, your whole world changes. He is looking very cute and proud of those new moves!

Annie said...

Love to hear this happiness :) Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend!! xo

Rebecca said...

So sweet! Love those little baby cheeks. :) Ahh, a mobile baby! That's got to be a big change that's got to be a little scary. But so exciting!

Rebecca said...

Er... one too many "got to be"s in there! :)


Your little man is truly one of the cutest I've ever seen! He makes me smile every time. The "mobile baby" thing is a whole new flavor of challenge—glad you guys are having so much fun together!

Lauren said...

Hello! Thank you for entering the contest and I'm now following your blog. I look forward to reading more! Have a wonderful day!

Danielle said...

I am intrigued with your upcoming mini vacation. Wade & I have been looking into doing one as well.

Your baby truly is the cutest baby. Those smushy cheeks kill me every time!

I am so glad to hear that everything is lovely in your world. So happy for you, Tara!